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  1. 1.南京大学 经济学院,南京 210009; 2.南京大学博士后流动站/江苏银行博士后工作站,南京 210006
  • 收稿日期:2016-12-07 出版日期:2017-04-18
  • 作者简介:刘傲琼(1989-),女,河北唐山人,南京大学经济学院博士研究生,研究方向:银行风险管理;刘新宇(1986-),本文通讯作者,男,内蒙古包头人,南京大学博士后流动站/江苏银行博士后工作站联合培养在站博士后,研究方向:大数据与风险管理。

Research on Diversification and Systemic Risk of Chinese Listed Commercial Banks〖WT〗

LIU Ao-qiong1, LIU Xin-yu2   

  1. 1.School of Economics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210009, China; 2. Postdoctoral Mobile Station of Nanjing University/Postdoctoral Working Station of Jiangsu Bank, Nanjing 210006, China
  • Received:2016-12-07 Online:2017-04-18

摘要: “金融脱媒”让传统商业银行走上了业务多元化、服务多元化、收入多元化的道路,也产生了对银行业系统风险问题的特别关注。本文选取14家2008年之前上市的银行作为样本,将MES值作为系统风险的代理变量,分析银行多元化经营与MES值的关系,并使用银行规模作为区分不同类型银行的工具。研究表明我国城市商业银行、中小型股份制商业银行和国有大型商业银行提高多元化水平对系统风险的影响存在显著差异:城市商业银行提高多元化水平将提高面临的系统风险,而中小型股份制商业银行和国有大型商业银行提高多元化水平将降低面临的系统风险;当银行以稳定系统风险为前提调整多元化经营策略时,三类银行除考虑提高手续费收入及佣金的比例外,中小型股份制商业银行和国有大型商业银行还应考虑提高投资收益比例。

关键词: 商业银行, 多元化经营, 系统风险

Abstract: “Financial disintermediation” makes the traditional commercial banks embark on the road of business diversification, services diversification and income diversification, as well as attracts special attention to the systemic risk in the banking. This paper selects14 banks listed before 2008 as samples, and takes MES value as the proxy variable of the systemic risk to study the relationship between bank diversification and MES value. Meanwhile, the bank scale is used as the tool to distinguish the different types of banks. The results show that there are significant differences in the impact of improving the level of diversification of city commercial banks, small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial banks and large state-owned commercial banks on systemic risks: improving the level of diversification will increase city commercial banks′ systemic risk and reduce small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial banks and large state-owned commercial banks′ systemic risk; when banks adjust the diversified business strategy to stabilize systemic risk, three types of banks above should consider increasing the proportion of fees and commissions, in addition, small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial banks and large state-owned commercial banks should also consider increasing the proportion of equity earning.

Key words: commercial banks, diversification, systemic risk