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高绩效人力资源实践与情感承诺:个人与 组织匹配和个人与工作匹配的调节效应


  1. 深圳大学 管理学院,广东 深圳 518060
  • 收稿日期:2017-01-23 出版日期:2017-04-18
  • 作者简介:苏方国(1973-),男,安徽安庆人,深圳大学管理学院副教授,管理学博士,研究方向:战略人力资源管理。
  • 基金资助:

High Performance Human Resource Practices and Affective Commitment: Moderated by Person-Organization Fit and Person-Job Fit

SU Fang-guo   

  1. School of Management, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
  • Received:2017-01-23 Online:2017-04-18

摘要: 针对现有关于高绩效人力资源实践对情感承诺影响的研究结论相互冲突的现状,基于资源保存理论(Conservation of Resources theory,COR)的两个螺旋效应——增值螺旋(Gain Spiral)与丧失螺旋(Loss Spiral),本文通过提供一个研究整合的框架分析高绩效人力资源实践对员工情感承诺的影响机制与边界条件。实证结果显示:高绩效人力资源实践对情感承诺的影响是非线性的,呈现倒U形关系,个人价值观与组织匹配在高绩效人力资源实践与员工情感承诺的关系中起调节作用,个人能力与工作匹配在高绩效人力资源实践与员工情感承诺的关系中起调节作用。本文通过实证研究揭示了高绩效人力资源实践与情感承诺之间存在复杂的非线性关系,为现有研究贡献了新的知识。

关键词: 高绩效人力资源实践, 情感承诺, 个人价值观与组织匹配, 个人能力与工作匹配

Abstract: In view of conflicting studies results about the effects of high performance human resource practices on affective commitment, this study provides an integrated framework to bring insight into influence mechanism and boundary conditions of high performance human resources practice on affective commitment based on the two spiral effect (Gain Spiral and Loss Spiral) of Conservation of Resources theory (COR). The empirical results reveal: the impact of high performance human resource practices on affective commitment is nonlinear and presents inverted U-shaped relationship, person-organization fit moderates the relationship between high performance human resource practices and affective commitment, person-job fit moderates the relationship between human resource practices and affective commitment. This study reveals there exists complex nonlinear relationship between high performance human resource practices and affective commitment, which adds new knowledge to existing research.

Key words: high performance human resource practices, affective commitment, person-organization fit, person-job fit