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中国生产性服务业促进制造业升级影响因素研究. ——基于超效率DEA和Tobit模型的实证分析


  1. 1.复旦大学 经济学院,上海 200433;2.江苏省社会科学院 区域现代化研究院,南京 210004
  • 收稿日期:2017-02-24 出版日期:2017-06-16
  • 作者简介:杜宇玮(1982-),男,浙江东阳人,复旦大学经济学院博士后,江苏省社会科学院区域现代化研究院副研究员,研究方向:产业经济与区域经济。.
  • 基金资助:

Research on the Influence Factors of China′s Producer Services Promoting . Manufacturing Upgrading:An Empirical Analysis based on Super-Efficiency . DEA Model and Tobit Model

DU Yu-wei1,2   

  1. 1.School of Economics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China;2. Institute for . Regional Modernization Studies, Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, Nanjing 210004, China
  • Received:2017-02-24 Online:2017-06-16

摘要: 生产性服务业对制造业升级的促进作用取决于其作为高级要素投入功能的发挥。基于超效率DEA模型和Tobit模型,本文从产业关联效率视角实证分析了2005-2014年中国生产性服务业对制造业升级的促进作用及其影响因素。结果显示:中国生产性服务业对制造业升级的促进作用效率尚不够高,且发达地区作用效率高于欠发达地区;作用效率受到信息化水平和协同集聚水平的显著正向影响,但不同发展水平地区的表现存在差异,而且作用效率还受到生产性服务业规模的显著负向影响。因此,要有效发挥中国生产性服务业对制造业升级的促进作用,应当注重降低生产性服务交易成本,提高产业协同集聚水平,从“规模化”向“效率化”思维转变。.

关键词: 生产性服务业, 制造业升级, 效率, 超效率DEA, Tobit模型.

Abstract: The effect of producer services promoting manufacturing upgrading depends on its role as the advanced factor. Based on the super-efficiency DEA model and Tobit model, the paper empirically analyzes the effect of China′s producer services promoting manufacturing upgrading and the factors influencing it in 2005-2014 from the perspective of industrial linkage efficiency. The results show that the efficiency of China′s producer services promoting manufacturing upgrading is not high enough, and the efficiency in developed areas is higher than that in undeveloped areas;the efficiency is significantly positively influenced by the level of informatization and co-agglomeration, but there are disparities in various areas with different development levels, and the efficiency is also significantly negatively influenced by the scale of producer services. Therefore, in order to make the effect of producer services promoting manufacturing upgrading efficiently, we should pay attention to reducing the transaction cost of producer services, improve the level of industrial co-agglomeration, and change the thought of “scale” to “efficiency”.

Key words: producer services, manufacturing upgrading, efficiency, super-efficiency DEA, Tobit model