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混合所有制、公司治理质量与股权资本成本 ——基于中国资本市场经验证据的分析


  1. 首都经济贸易大学 会计学院,北京 100070
  • 收稿日期:2017-02-21 出版日期:2017-07-20
  • 作者简介:罗孟旎(1990-),女,安徽铜陵人,首都经济贸易大学会计学院博士研究生,研究方向:公司财务理论与财务政策。
  • 基金资助:

The Mixed Ownership, Corporate Governance Quality and Equity Capital Cost: An Analysis based on Empirical Evidence from China′s Capital Market

LUO Meng-ni   

  1. School of Accounting, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing 100070, China
  • Received:2017-02-21 Online:2017-07-20

摘要: 我国企业改革的选项之一是进行混合所有制改造,由此不同性质资本之间的相互融合也致使不同性质股东之间的利益相互抗衡。基于股东财富实现(实现指数)视角,本文选用2006-2015年我国A股上市公司数据为样本,从年份层面分析中国上市公司治理环境现状,探究混合所有制下公司治理质量与股权资本成本的相关性。结论表明:中国公司治理整体质量进步明显,已有接近一半的公司实现了股东财富最大化目标,但公司治理的整体环境仍有较大发展空间;公司治理质量与股权资本成本呈反比关系,第一大股东性质影响两者的相关性,且非国有公司的公司治理质量对股权资本成本的影响更显著。这些结论说明混合所有制企业改革符合市场化的改革宗旨,能够发挥非国有股东作为控股股东的治理职能,通过股权结构的合理调整可实现中国上市公司股权资本成本的最低化。

关键词: 股权资本成本, 公司治理质量, 股东财富, 股东异质性

Abstract: One of the options for Chinese enterprise reform is to carry out mixed ownership reform, so the integration of the different natures of capital also leads to the confrontation between the interests of different shareholders. Based on the realization of shareholders′ wealth (index), the paper selects 2006-2015 data of A shares Listed Companies in China as samples to summarize the corporate governance environment present situation from the aspect of the year, and explores the relevance between corporate governance quality and equity capital cost under mixed ownership. The conclusions show that the whole of Chinese corporate governance quality has improved well, and nearly half of the company has achieved the goal of maximizing the wealth of shareholders, but there was still a large space for development; corporate governance quality is inversely proportional with equity capital cost, and the first big shareholder′s nature affects their correlation, and compared with the state-owned companies, the governance quality of the non-state enterprises corporate has more significant impact on the equity capital cost. These conclusions show that the reform of the mixed ownership enterprises is in line with the purpose of market reform, and it can play the non-state-owned shareholders as the controlling shareholder′s governance function. Through the reasonable adjustment of the ownership structure, the equity capital cost of Chinese listed companies can achieve the minimum.

Key words: equity capital cost, corporate governance quality, shareholder wealth, shareholder′s heterogeneity