
• 商法论丛 • 上一篇    



  1. (山东理工大学 法学院,山东 淄博 255049)
  • 收稿日期:2017-07-03 出版日期:2017-11-16
  • 作者简介:刘佳(1987-),女,山东青岛人,山东理工大学法学院讲师,法学博士,研究方向:国际经济法、网络法;张伟(1974-),男,山东菏泽人,山东理工大学法学院副教授,研究生导师,研究方向:民法、网络法。
  • 基金资助:

Regulation of Refusal to Transact under Anti-monopoly Law in the Context of “Internet+”

LIU Jia, ZHANG Wei   

  1. (Law School,Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China)
  • Received:2017-07-03 Online:2017-11-16

摘要: 拒绝交易行为是具有市场支配地位的经营者滥用市场支配地位的表现形式之一。在“互联网+”语境下,拒绝交易行为呈现出新形态:拒绝使用标准或利用标准导致不兼容、拒绝许可使用知识产权、拒绝使用关键设施等。对该行为进行反垄断法规制应从主体、客体、效果、抗辩理由四个要件出发进行违法性认定,并结合行为的具体表现形态进行正负效果的比较。若负效果大于正效果,则禁止;反之,豁免。

关键词: 互联网+, 拒绝交易, 违法性

Abstract: Refusal to transact is one kind of abusing of dominant market position. In the context of the Internet, refusal to transact presents a series of new forms: incompatibility by refusing to authorize or use the standard, refusing to use intellectual property rights, and refusing to use essential facilities. The regulation of this behavior should based on the identification of illegality, which includes four elements: subject, object, effect and defense reason. Thus, the next step is to balance the positive and negative effects of the behavior. If the negative effect is greater than the positive effect, the behavior should be prohibited; conversely, it should be exempted.

Key words: Internet +, refusal to transact, illegality