
• 商经理论 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (黑龙江大学 经济与工商管理学院,哈尔滨〓150080)
  • 收稿日期:2018-09-21 出版日期:2019-02-15
  • 作者简介:刘文勇(1975-),男,黑龙江牡丹江人,黑龙江大学经济与工商管理学院教授,经济学博士,研究方向:宏观经济运行与调控、创新创业教育理论与实践。
  • 基金资助:

An Analysis of Connotation Characteristics and Realization Path of Subversive Innovation

LIU Wen-yong   

  1. (School of Economics and Business Administration,Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080,China)
  • Received:2018-09-21 Online:2019-02-15

摘要: 颠覆式创新不同于过程创新和持续性创新,其特征表现是针对主流市场,以技术和服务为引领,提供给消费者高价值体验且相对低成本的产品或服务,是对原有产品或服务的全面替代过程。生产条件、组织结构、产出绩效的变革正在改写着经济学的一般性认识,带有根本性的创新向下游和后续关联行业、产业或企业的深远影响,将带来市场格局等生产关系及其系列衍生规则与模式的变革。理论分析与经验分析相结合,可以发现颠覆式创新存在着摩尔定律与分布式的时空特征;因循效果逻辑思维与商业模式分析,可以总结出开放式、结构性、逆向式等不同角度的颠覆式创新路径;基于技术轨道与目标市场的分析,可以总结出发生在主流市场、边缘市场、分离市场中的高、中、低端的不同层次颠覆式创新路径。

关键词: 颠覆式创新, 创新路径, 技术创新

Abstract: Subversive innovation is different from process innovation and continuous innovation. It is a comprehensive alternative to the mainstream market, with technology and service as the guide, providing consumers with a high-value experience and realizing the cost reduction of relative performance. The changes in production conditions, organizational structure, and output performance are rewriting the general understanding of economics, with the far-reaching influence of fundamental innovation downstream and subsequent related industries, industries, or enterprises, which will bring about changes in production relations such as market patterns and their derived rules and models. The occurrence of subversive innovation has the characteristics of Moore′s law and distributed space and time; by analyzing the combination of effective logical thinking and business models, we can find out the open, structural, reverse and other subversive innovation paths; based on the analysis of technological track and target market,we will find out the high, medium and low levels of subversive innovation that take place in mainstream, marginal and segregated markets.

Key words: subversive innovation, innovation path, technology innovation