
• 商法论丛 • 上一篇    

中国新“反不正当竞争法”的司法适用 ——基于“互联网专条”的分析与实践


  1. (韩国国立忠北大学 法学院,韩国 清州28644)
  • 收稿日期:2018-11-22 出版日期:2019-03-16
  • 作者简介:国瀚文(1985-),女,吉林辉南人,韩国国立忠北大学法学院博士研究生,研究方向:竞争法学、网络法学。
  • 基金资助:

Judicial Application of China′s New “Anti-Unfair Competition Law”: Based on the Analysis and Practice of “Internet Special”

GUO Han-wen   

  1. (School of Law,Chungbuk National University,Cheongju 28644,Korea)
  • Received:2018-11-22 Online:2019-03-16

摘要: 互联网背景下的不正当竞争行为具有科技时代的特征,其呈现出的多样性、传播快、隐蔽性强和危害大等特征冲击着传统的法律规制。在这种背景下中国针对互联网市场中出现的不正当竞争行为新修订了反不正当竞争法,并做出了原则性条款与列举式条款并存的规定。对于一般条款是否具有原则性性质,适用时是否存在主观性、不确定性,“互联网不正当竞争行为”是否应当进行专门规制,当前的法律规定是否足够完善或者仍需要查漏补缺,反不正当竞争法在互联网时代应呈现何种模样等问题仍有深入探讨的余地。通过对互联网条款的条文内容、结构的逻辑理论和新的不正当竞争行为的类型化分析,结合互联网市场中出现的典型案例论证互联网条款在司法实践中适用的正当性具有理论意义和现实意义。

关键词: 一般条款, 反不正当竞争法, 互联网不正当竞争行为

Abstract: Unfair competition in the context of the Internet has the characteristics of the era of science and technology, and its characteristics of diversity, rapid spread, concealment and great harm have impacted traditional legal regulations.In this context, China has revised the anti-unfair competition law for unfair competition in the Internet market, and has made provisions for the coexistence of principled clauses and enumerated clauses.Whether the general clause has a principled nature, whether there is subjectivity or uncertainty when applicable, and whether the “unfair competition behavior of the Internet” should be subject to special regulation and whether the current legal provisions are sufficiently perfect or still need to be checked for vacancies, and there is still room for further discussion on the question of what the unfair competition law should look like in the Internet age.Through the type analysis of the content of the Internet clause, the logical theory of the structure, and the new unfair competition behavior,combining the typical cases in the Internet market, it is of theoretical and practical significance to demonstrate the legitimacy of Internet terms in judicial practice.

Key words: general clauses, anti-unfair competition law, Internet unfair competition behavior