
• 商法论丛 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (清华大学 法学院,北京 100084)
  • 收稿日期:2018-11-27 出版日期:2019-04-26
  • 作者简介:蔡睿(1991-),男,四川青神人,清华大学法学院博士研究生,研究方向:民商法学、法学方法论。
  • 基金资助:

From “Two Lines and Three Zones” to “Significant Unfairness” Standard: The Evolution of Private Lending Profits Regulation Path

CAI Rui   

  1. (School of Law, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084,China)
  • Received:2018-11-27 Online:2019-04-26

摘要: 作为规制民间借贷利息的现行规则,“两线三区”标准存在缺乏弹性、对高利贷威慑不足、容易被规避的缺陷,在法定利率上限设置较高的情况下对借款人保护不足的问题尤其突出。为弥补“两线三区”标准的不足,在现有规则下可引入显失公平规则,与“两线三区”标准配合共同规制民间借贷的利息;在借款利息显失公平的判断上可以24%作为利息客观显著失衡的认定基准,同时引入动态系统论的思想,利用表见证明规则实现主客观要件的互动;民间借贷的利息规制具有政策调控与受害人救济二元目标,前者的实现有赖于行政和立法的协力,司法机关应从政策调控任务之中脱身,专注于受害人救济,显失公平规则在这一过程中将发挥主要作用,“两线三区”标准则退出历史舞台或仅作为辅助标准存在。

关键词: 民间借贷, 利息规制, “两线三区”标准, 显失公平

Abstract: As the current rules, the “two lines and three zones” standard has the defects that lack of flexibility, insufficient deterrence against usurious loans, and easily circumvented. Under the circumstances of a higher legal interest rate, the problem of insufficient protection for borrowers is particularly acute. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the “two lines and three zones” standard, under the existing rules, the rule of “significant unfairness” can be introduced to coordinate with the “two lines and three districts” standards to jointly regulate the interest of private lending;in order to determine whether the interest on the loan is unfair, the court can use the annual interest rate of 24% as the benchmark,at the same time, the idea of dynamic system theory could realize the interaction of subjective and objective elements;the interest regulation of private lending has the dual objectives of policy regulation and victim relief,the realization of the former depends on the cooperation of the executive and the legislature. The judiciary should get out of the policy control task and focus on the relief of the victim. In this process, the rule of “significant unfairness” will play a major role, and the “two lines and three zones” standard will exit the stage of history or only exist as an auxiliary standard.

Key words: private lending, interest regulation, “two lines and three zones” standard, significant unfairness