
• 商经理论 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (澳门科技大学 商学院,澳门)
  • 收稿日期:2018-12-14 出版日期:2019-06-16
  • 作者简介:吴卿毅(1989-),男,上海人,澳门科技大学商学院博士研究生,研究方向:口碑营销;黄斐(1978-),男,澳门人,澳门科技大学商学院助理教授,管理学博士,研究方向:电子商务、旅游营销。

The Impact of Online Word-of-mouth Quantity, Value and Emotion Transfer on Consumers′ Product Value Perception

WU Qing-yi, HUANG Fei   

  1. (School of Business, Macau University of Science and Technology,Macau China)
  • Received:2018-12-14 Online:2019-06-16

摘要: 通过控制在线口碑的数量分别进行两个实验,实证分析在线口碑的数量、在线口碑的效价以及在线口碑中传递的情绪如何影响消费者对产品的价值感知,研究发现:负面口碑中的消极情绪在少量在线口碑时会被归因评价者本身的非理性行为而降低在线口碑信息的有用性,促使消费者对于产品的负面感知降低;正面口碑的积极情绪会被归因于产品本身而使得口碑中传递的情绪不会影响产品的价值感知;当在线口碑的数量足够多时,多个在线口碑形成趋同情绪会增加在线口碑所包含信息的有用性,而极化消费者对产品的价值感知。

关键词: 在线口碑, 在线口碑的数量, 在线口碑的效价

Abstract: By controlling online word-of-mouth quantity, two experiments were conducted to empirically analyze how the online word-of-mouth quantity, online word-of-mouth value and the emotions conveyed in online word-of-mouth affect consumers′perception of product value.The results show that negative emotions in negative word-of-mouth can be attributed to the irrational behavior of the evaluator, which reduces the usefulness of online word-of-mouth information and promotes consumers′negative perception of products; the positive emotions of positive word-of-mouth are attributed to the product itself, so that the emotions transmitted in the word-of-mouth will not affect the value perception of the product;when the number of online word-of-mouth is large enough, the convergence of multiple online word-of-mouth will increase the usefulness of the information contained in online word-of-mouth, and polarize consumers′value perception of the product.

Key words: online word-of-mouth, online word-of-mouth quantity, online word-of-mouth value