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FDI与中国工业生态效率 ——基于面板联立方程模型的实证分析


  1. (西安石油大学 1.油气资源经济与管理研究中心;2.经济管理学院,西安 710065)
  • 收稿日期:2018-12-23 出版日期:2019-06-16
  • 作者简介:吴文洁(1966-),女,陕西铜川人,西安石油大学油气资源经济与管理研究中心/经济管理学院教授,研究方向:产业经济与环境经济;刘雪梦(1995-),本文通讯作者,女,陕西安康人,西安石油大学油气资源经济与管理研究中心研究生,研究方向:贸易经济与环境经济;唐娟莉(1983-),女,陕西扶风人,西安石油大学经济管理学院副教授,经济学博士,研究方向:产业经济。
  • 基金资助:

FDI and China′s Industrial Ecological Efficiency:An Empirical Analysis based on Panel Simultaneous Equation Model

WU Wen-jie1,2,LIU Xue-meng1,TANG Juan-li2   

  1. (1. Research Center of Oil and Gas Resource Economics and Management, Xi′an Shiyou University, Xi′an 710065,China; 2. School of Economics and Management, Xi′an Shiyou University, Xi′an 710065, China)
  • Received:2018-12-23 Online:2019-06-16

摘要: 本文从FDI数量和质量两个角度出发,在运用超效率SBM模型测算中国区域工业生态效率基础上,利用2001-2016年30个省级面板数据和联立方程模型,实证检验FDI与工业生态效率的关系。研究发现:样本期内,中国工业生态效率整体呈现不断恶化的趋势,且区域间差距逐渐拉大,并呈现东-中-西梯度递减的空间分布格局。从直接影响来看,FDI数量对中国工业生态效率影响不显著,而FDI质量具有正向溢出效应,工业生态效率对FDI数量和质量具有正向作用。从间接影响来看,FDI数量与环境监管强度存在正相关关系,对国内产业结构和经济发展分别产生正负外部性,在正负外部性的博弈过程中,对工业生态效率的影响不显著;FDI质量通过提高经济发展水平和减弱环境监管的负面效应改善了工业生态效率。因此,需加强对FDI质量的甄别,吸引FDI质量型企业的进入,并创造良好的投资环境,形成FDI与工业生态效率相互促进的良性循环。

关键词: FDI质量, FDI数量, 工业生态效率, 超效率SBM

Abstract: From the perspective of quantity and quality of FDI, this paper empirically tests the relationship between FDI and industrial ecological efficiency by using 30 provincial panel data and simultaneous equation models from 2001 to 2016 on the basis of using super-efficiency SBM model to estimate industrial ecological efficiency in China.The results show that: during the sample period, the overall industrial ecological efficiency of China is deteriorating, and the gap between regions is widening gradually, and the spatial distribution pattern of gradient decreasing from east to middle to west is presented. From the direct point of view, the quantity of FDI has no significant impact on China′s industrial ecological efficiency, while the quality of FDI has a positive spillover effect, and the industrial ecological efficiency has a positive effect on the quantity and quality of FDI.From the indirect perspective, the quantity of FDI is positively correlated with the intensity of environmental supervision, which produces positive and negative externalities for domestic industrial structure and economic development. In the game process of positive and negative externalities, the impact on industrial ecological efficiency is not significant. The quality of FDI improves industrial ecological efficiency by improving the level of economic development and weakening the negative effects of environmental supervision. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the screening of FDI quality, attract the entry of FDI quality enterprises, and create a good investment environment to form a virtuous circle of mutual promotion between FDI and industrial ecological efficiency.

Key words: FDI quality, FDI quantity, industrial ecological efficiency, super-efficiency SBM