
• 商经理论 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (辽宁大学 法学院,沈阳 110136)
  • 收稿日期:2019-05-16 出版日期:2019-10-16
  • 作者简介:闫海(1976-),男,辽宁本溪人,辽宁大学法学院教授,博士生导师,法学博士,研究方向:经济法学;王洋(1991-),男,辽宁丹东人,辽宁大学国家治理与法治研究中心助理研究员,辽宁大学法学院博士研究生,研究方向:经济法学。
  • 基金资助:

On the Principle of Competition Neutrality from the Perspective of Legal Business Environment

YAN Hai,WANG Yang   

  1. (School of Law, Liaoning University, Shenyang 110136,China)
  • Received:2019-05-16 Online:2019-10-16

摘要: 竞争中立原则要求政府在竞争性市场中对待国有企业和民营企业秉持不偏不倚的中立态度,国有企业不因与政府的特殊关系而取得不当的竞争优势。竞争中立原则经由国内法、区域法、多边国际协议及国际软法等各种方式的法治化演进,已经形成较为一致的具体化要求。我国自由贸易区立法、竞争政策立法初步确立竞争中立原则,并且具备竞争中立原则的可行性基础,进一步践行竞争中立原则应当明确其适用范围、完善国有企业治理机制、约束政府影响竞争的行为、建立相关的执行和争议解决机制,使之成为法治化营商环境建设的重要内容。

关键词: 竞争中立, 法治化营商环境, 国有企业, 民营企业, 竞争政策

Abstract: the principle of competition neutrality requires the government to hold an impartial and neutral attitude towards state-owned enterprises and private enterprises in the competitive market, and state-owned enterprises do not gain improper competitive advantages due to their special relationship with the government.The principle of competition neutrality has formed a more consistent and specific requirement through the legal evolution of domestic law, regional law, multilateral international agreements and international soft law.China′s Free Trade Zone legislation and competition policy legislation initially establish the principle of competition neutrality, and have the feasibility foundation of the principle of competition neutrality.In order to further practice the principle of competition neutrality, we should make clear its scope of application, improve the governance mechanism of state-owned enterprises, restrict the government′s behavior of influencing competition, and establish the relevant implementation and dispute resolution mechanism, so as to make it an important part of the construction of legal business environment.

Key words: competition neutrality, legal business environment, state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, competition policy