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中国政策性农业保险在银保互动中的适用性 ——基于抵押担保替代视角的分析


  1. (南京农业大学 1.金融学院;2.经济管理学院,南京 210095)
  • 收稿日期:2019-03-21 出版日期:2019-12-24
  • 作者简介::陈秋月(1991-),女,江苏淮安人,南京农业大学金融学院博士研究生,研究方向:农村金融、家庭金融;董晓林(1963-),本文通讯作者,女,江苏宿迁人,南京农业大学金融学院教授,博士生导师,管理学博士,研究方向:金融理论与政策、农村金融、公司金融;吕沙(1990-),男,江苏常熟人,江苏银行总行,管理学博士,研究方向:农业经济。
  • 基金资助:

The Applicability of China′s Policy Agricultural Insurance in Bank Insurance Interaction: An Analysis from the Perspective of Mortgage Guarantee Replacement

CHEN Qiu-yue1, DONG Xiao-lin1, LV Sha2   

  1. (1.College of Finance, Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China; 2. College of Economics and Management, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China)
  • Received:2019-03-21 Online:2019-12-24

摘要: 本文从理论层面分析银保互动产生的基础及其对信贷配给影响的内在逻辑,论证银保互动在农业保险中发挥抵押担保替代作用的可能路径,并结合宏观数据和微观调研数据对我国银保互动试点的现状进行归纳和总结,提出政策性农业保险有效缓解农户信贷配给的必要条件和改进措施。研究表明,我国政策性农业保险保障水平较低、保障范围单一,保险赔付与风险之间的关联性较弱,并未完全建立信息共享和风险分担机制,银行未有风险第一赔付人的绝对控制权;政策性保险的基本条款、风险关联性和进阶条款的设置均不能很好地契合银保互动在农业保险中发挥抵押担保作用的基础条件和内在逻辑。因此,“银保互动”有效发挥抵押担保替代作用所具备的合理形式应以指数保险作为银保互动的基础农业保险类型,保险的第一赔付人为银行,以实现银保互动各主体间高效地信息共享和风险分担。

关键词: 银保互动, 政策性农业保险, 抵押担保替代, 信息共享, 风险分担

Abstract: Abstract:This paper analyzes the theoretical basis of bank insurance interaction and the internal logic of its impact on credit rationing, demonstrates the possible path for bank insurance interaction to play the role of mortgage guarantee replacement in agricultural insurance,summarizes the current situation of China′s Bank Insurance interactive pilot, and puts forward the necessary conditions and improvement measures for policy based agricultural insurance to effectively alleviate the credit rationing of farmers combined with the macro data and micro survey data.The research shows that the level of policy based agricultural insurance is low and the scope of insurance is single, the relationship between insurance compensation and risk is weak, the mechanism of information sharing and risk sharing is not fully established, and the bank does not have the absolute control right of the first loss payer;the basic terms, risk relevance and advanced terms of policy insurance cannot fit basic conditions and internal logic of bank mortgage guarantee role of insurance interaction in agricultural insurance.Therefore, index insurance should be taken as the basic agricultural insurance type of bank insurance interaction, and the first payor of insurance should be the bank, so as to realize the efficient information sharing and risk sharing among the subjects of bank insurance interaction.